Problems when Purchasing or Attempting to Register.Frequently Asked Questions (for all pre-download, features and sales questions).More purchase, registration or related problems.Registration code not accepted after software reinstallation.Registration code is not accepted on first installation.Registration code has not been received.How do I shuffle my photos? Purchase or Registration Problems Professional.How do I add text with scroll and fade effects over my slides?.How can I make the slideshow play in a loop?.How can I create a slideshow by editing a portion of the clip.Add media only allows me to add individual photos to list, not entire folders.Text not visible in the Text Overlay How to.My soundtrack only lets me add one song.I cannot view slideshow by clicking on the.Few of my images are skipped when I save slideshow.
Failed to start PhotoStage with error 'Could not initialize video output' when using WINE.PhotoStage Slideshow Producer Technical Support After-download technical and related problems